Winter 2015


Closeup of man holding passports and boarding pass at airport

I just returned from a long trip to Europe to see my family. During this trip I went to five countries: Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. I was away for twenty-five days. The trip was difficult but amazing at the same time. I saw about sixty people who are friends and family. I will tell you the highlights of my trip. There were 3 highlights.

The best part of the trip was seeing my parents. I haven’t seen them for eleven years. We spent time together and I heard all of their good news. They are now getting older. Next, I met with my siblings. I haven’t seen them for a long time. There was a war in our country so each sibling went to a different country to live. It was not safe to stay in our country at that time. My brother in Sweden invited all of the family to his house because he was getting married there. He hosted the wedding at an old banquet hall. It was two hundred years old and very beautiful. It is a famous building in Sweden. The whole family went. There were 120 people.

In addition, I would do this trip again every two years or less. In my experience, visiting parents is my priority because they need their children when they are getting older. I will try to take my children with me in the future. They should see my parents and my Mom because she is always saying, “I love kids and I want to see them.” It was amazing when I visited my family. I hope everyone will try to visit their family. It was good time when I returned home because I missed my children and Canada as well.