Winter 2015


Finding a job in Canada is one of priorities for new immigrants. It is actually a big challenge for many reasons. First of all, the job seeker should have good language skills. Language is an essential for communicating with others and for job search on websites. Secondly, many employers require experience in Canadian labor market. Newcomers try to get this experience by working as volunteers. Unfortunately, volunteering might be not available in the same field the job seeker is interested in. Thirdly, hiring in some sectors may not be open at all times. So, people have to work in jobs different from their own profession. In conclusion, finding a job in Canada is based on person's experiences and skills and the chances of the job market.

Many community agencies in Canada help people in their job search. These agencies organize workshops that deliver job search strategies and skills. For example, writing a clear resume is one of skills that can be learnt at the job search workshops. resume is necessary tool to find proper job. It greatly affects the employer's hiring decision. Similarly, job interview skills are an integral part of job search. Job seeker can get useful information about job interviews from employment counselor. Hence, he will know how to improve his skills to be successfully succeed in the interviews. In fact, visiting employment center or community agencies is a useful step for job search. It will probably save time in the long run.