Winter 2015


kids wearing masks in classroom

It has been almost two years since the Coronavirus is infecting people and even after many lockdowns it continues to spread fast. Covid-19 happened in March 2020, and it affected the whole world. Many people lost their loved ones, and many others lost their jobs because of the lockdowns. In the beginning, there were no vaccines and treatments for this disease but now there is a vaccine available for Covid-19 to stop the spread of the disease. People have to wear masks before going out to the mall, grocery shopping, restaurants, etc. I personally missed a lot of parties and family gatherings because of Covid-19 and the lockdowns since people were not allowed to gather and have parties. I wish for things to go back to normal because it would be better if we could gather and meet with family and friends and go to the theater and I wish to not wear the mask anymore because it is very uncomfortable. I hope this pandemic goes away so we can all go back to normal life.