Winter 2015


caves and coastal features at low tide of the Bay of Fundy at St. Martins, New Brunswick, Canada.

Cameroon where I come from is described as “Africa in miniature” because of its geographical and cultural diversity. Cameroon is the home to many rather distinct ethnic groups; we are very of proud of our culture, and we celebrate it in many different and extraordinary ways. Our best quality is hospitality; all foreigners feel at home. It is true that one’s home country will remain in the heart, but Canada has always impressed me in a couple of different ways. It is a country where dreams come true.

Firstly, in Canada, everyone is treated equally. Canadians celebrate differences, in the sense that you should be proud of who you are. People are happy to help each other, and when you walk in the street, everyone greets you with a smile regardless of your origin or colour. Canada is my dreamland not because it is one of the best countries in the world to live in, but because of the people I meet and mingle with in my community daily. This is very much like my country of origin, Cameroon.

Secondly, Canada has a large and beautiful landscape. The panoramic view and rich nature have always amazed me. Everyday there is a new discovery. Last summer, I visited one of the most beautiful and famous places in Canada; it is the Bay of Fundy, between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. It is one of the seven wonders in North America. As well, it is known for having the highest tidal range in the world. Its high tides reach heights of 53ft (16m), with more than 160 billion tons of water flowing in and out of the bay twice a day. I consider myself to be incredibly lucky to live near this phenomenal location.

In a nutshell, I am so grateful to have ended up here with my wife and two kids. We have been relishing the blessings of living in this beautiful country since we stepped foot on this land. Stunning sceneries inhabited by charming people. Yes, my dream has become a reality!!