Winter 2015


Rice cakes soup on table, top view

Most Koreans celebrate New Year's twice. They celebrate on January 1st according to solar calendar when people go to see the sun rising on January 1st.

When they see the sun rising, they make wishes and resolutions.

In addition, they celebrate New Year’s according to a lunar calendar.

Koreans gather the whole family on that day.

No matter how far they live, the whole family gathers on Lunar New Year's Day.

All family members make a Songpyen, that is a Korean traditional rice cake and they eat rice cake soup called Dduck-guk.

It means they eat one age. This is because Korean people count their age on New Year's day not on their own birthday.

Korean New Year's celebration is the most important holiday.

In 2021 New Year's, people will probably not gather because of Covid-19.

But I hope everyone has a good New Year.