Winter 2015


Group of school children boarding the school bus

There are several differences I can say between school in Canada and school in South Korea, lunch, second language and school bus. First, students in South Korea don't bring their lunch to school because they are provided a payable lunch from school which is healthy and fresh like hot meat soup, rice, vegetables and fruits. Especially in winter, lunch time is the happiest time for students. In Canada, the students have to bring students their lunch to school. Every morning, their moms make food for lunch which they bring to school and eat at school. I think it is good as they feel mom's love through the lunch mom makes. But the school in Korea provide lunch to students

Secondly, students in Canada learn French as a second language but French isn’t taught in Korea as a second language. Instead of learning French, the students in Korea can choose to learn Japanese, Chinese, or German as a second language in high school. But most parents have their children learn any language they want to learn privately at home.

Thirdly, there are school buses that run for public school students who live away from school in Canada. It is a very convenient service for students and their family. In Korea, there are no school buses provided to students from public schools but only private schools provide a school bus to students. If the students live away from school, the parents drive a car to school for their children.

These are the differences between school in Canada and school in Korea. I can’t choose which one is better as school in Canada has good points like the school bus running for students who live away from school. Also the school in South Korea has good points like the school providing hot and fresh lunch for students.