Winter 2015


Raw vegan peanut butter oat coconut cacao balls

Everyone likes to eat sweets, but we know that not everyone can eat them because of health problems, like weight gain, diabetes, etc. We all know that sugar is not good for health. That's why today I am making sugar-free sweet. I know it looks like chocolate balls, but it is not. It is the best option for this Covid-19 situation, because we don't have to buy any kind of food from outside. These fruit balls are very healthy, especially in winter.


  • 500 gr dates
  • 100 gr mix dry fruits (almonds, cashews, raisins, pistachios)
  • 1 tbsp clarified butter or unsalted butter

First of all, take dates, remove seeds from them and cut them into small pieces. Also chop all other nuts. Then, take a big pan and put 1 tbsp clarified butter. Once it's warm, add dates into it and sauté on low flame. When you start it will be very hard to mix, but once it's cooked it's easy to mix. When it looks like it’s turning into dough form, at that time add chopped dry fruits and mix well. Turn off the flame and let it cool down for a couple of minutes. Then grease your hands with clarified butter and make balls from dough. Once the dessert cools down properly, then store it in airtight container or serve to your family and guests.

Tip: you can store it for a month in an airtight container.