Winter 2015


FIND A JOB text and flag of Canada on the buttons on the computer keyboard. Employment related conce

Three years ago, my husband and I decided to move to Canada with our 2 daughters. To realize our dream, we applied for one of the Canada’s immigration programs called skilled worker program. One of the requirements for this program is at least 2 years of qualified work experience. In my case I worked for more than 5 years as an Administrative manager in my country. After a long process, finally we got the immigrant visa. We landed to Canada with many personal and family-related projects. During our first months in Canada, we ran into many challenges. The first challenge was our difficulty to find a skilled job and the second one was to find a place to stay. We applied for many jobs in our field. Regrettably, we didn’t have any feedback from many of them. The very few employers who invited us to a job interview required Canadian experience. To face this situation my husband had decided to start with a survival job. On my end, I volunteered as a teacher assistant at an elementary school. It was really painful for me to see my husband doing an unskilled job while he holds Master’s Degree in Statistics coupled with extensive professional experience in data analysis. From that moment, I started to doubt about my decision to leave our home country because I was the first to encourage him to move to Canada. I didn’t have any clue about what awaited us here. Despite these challenges, we stayed confident. After a few months my husband left his survival job for a skilled one but he had to travel abroad a lot for that new job. Most of the time, I was alone with my two daughters. Concurrently, I had an offer for a part-time teacher substitute position. This opportunity had taught me to be flexible. After this experience, I decided to change my field from administration to education sector. I am currently studying education at one of the Ontario’s universities to become an elementary teacher. It was an experience to be made. If it was to be done again, I would do it again but differently. I would take time to have more information about immigration in Canada and prepare more for this great adventure. I have realized that Canada is a safe and beautiful country with many opportunities. You simply have to be informed and work hard to achieve your goals.