Winter 2015


Smart phone online shopping in woman hand. Shopping center in background. Buy clothes shoes accessor

For me, shopping is a way to decompress and to have fun. But, like all good things, you must know how to set limits.

I remember once, after having my third child, that I wanted to take care of myself and get out of maternity clothes and tracksuits. So, I went to the websites of my favourite shops and I bought all the clothes that I liked. I had the goal of redoing a wardrobe that had not changed since I had my first child!

I had to spend more than a thousand euros or about 1,500 Canadian dollars. After all that, I felt much better, but it did not last. I quickly came back to reality. My situation did not really allow me to make all those purchases. As a matter of fact, I had stopped working to take care of my children, so we had been living only on my husband's salary. You should have seen his face when he discovered that I spent so much money, without even talking to him about it!!!

It is especially because of this story that I got a taste for buying online and that I also realized the importance of controlling oneself, in order to prevent such pleasure from turning into a frenzy!

I find that buying online is very simple and fast (provided you go to secure sites). When you have a lot of other things to do, it saves you time, and there is no need to queue at the checkout. What a pleasure!

When I lived in France, I was not a big shopper, except for the time I told you about. However, since my arrival in Canada, I am even less so.

I have noticed that most of my favourite stores do not exist where I live in Moncton NB; and the ones that are here do not please me much, because the quality is not the same.

So, I spend even less, and when necessary, I buy online more often.