Winter 2015


couple window shopping

There are some differences between shopping in modern society and shopping several decades ago. Today, multiple shopping methods and various goods make shopping a joy for some consumers, not like a chore that people had to do in the past. In my opinion, this change has cons and pros.

Without a doubt, it is a benefit in modern society that people can enjoy shopping. For example, today, shopping malls spread in communities providing convenience to residents. People can buy different goods in a mall, and they also can have various delicious foods as well as watch moves in the same mall when they go shopping. Also people can do online shopping to buy vast variety of goods without walking out of home. The friendly shopping environment lets people enjoy a relaxing shopping time.

On the other hand, advertising affects some people to become shopaholics. People are stimulated to buy more stuff that they may not need, and they may become addicted to shopping which is wasting money. Sometimes the shopping hobby even leads people to struggle financially.

In addition, if people spend more time shopping, it will reduce the time that they enjoy while doing other healthy activities. People’s energy and time is limited, they will not have enough time for reading, chatting with friends, or doing exercise if they rely on shopping for relaxing and satisfaction.

In conclusion, I think shopping is really more convenient than before, but people should avoid being addicted to shopping. Otherwise, it may impact people’s normal life.