Winter 2015


canada flag illustration over cloudy sky - maple leaf replaced with red heart

I came to Canada in 2017. When I came to Canada, I felt that I would be treated differently because of my culture but the government and the people here made me feel welcome and encouraged me to maintain my language and culture.

I remember one experience in particular. When I came to Canada, I wasn’t sure what to expect and how I would be treated. However, all my fears went away when one day I went shopping and a sales associate commented on how nice my hijab was. That day I realized that Canada is a very accepting place and there are many welcoming and kind people here.

When my family and friends back home ask me about Canada, I tell them that Canada is a big, clean, beautiful country with charming people. I especially love the autumn season when you can see trees with a mixture of yellow, red and green leaves. It is absolutely wonderful! The people in Canada are very polite, friendly and kind. When I go shopping, most people greet me with smiles, which makes me feel happy and safe.

I like Canada and I now think of it as my home. I recommended my family come visit Canada to enjoy its charm and to meet the friendly people here. God bless Canada.