Winter 2015


Cypress Hills First Snowfall Alberta Saskatchewan Canada

On arriving in Regina, Saskatchewan I was impressed with the tree-lined streets. How beautiful the trees with yellow leaves are. Furthermore, I was also attracted to the green lawns with wonderful tulips in front of houses here. I fancied the peaceful and rustic scenery with lovely people wandering around. Old style wooden houses reminded me of ancient times as I had watched in movies.

In the early morning, lush parks with squirrels and rabbits roam ing around relaxed me. There were few cars on the roads and no incessant roars of fast-moving traffic, which made me feel safe outdoors. I had never had such a feeling like this when I was in my home country.

Nice people, peaceful atmosphere, wonderful views were my first indelible impressions when I landed in Canada.

My first feeling about winter in Canada was amazing and freezing.

That was the first time I had seen snowflakes with my naked eyes. The snowflakes looked like pearls. How beautiful they were. The image of the snowflakes was more spectacular than what I had seen in the movies. Moreover, the streets which were covered with snow reminded me of the magic places in the fairytales.

However the cold in the winter made me feel chilled to the bone. No matter what kinds of warm clothes I wore I felt numbed from my face to my toes. The freezing feelings partly lost my taste for the winter. Perhaps I got the terrible cold because I came from a very hot country. There was the sudden change from extreme heat of 36 degrees to extreme cold of -30 degrees.

I hope when years go by I will get used to the cold so that I can completely admire the beauty of winter in Canada