Winter 2015


Turkish halves of baked eggplant stuffed with vegetables close-up on a plate. horizontal

A Funny Name for a well-established dish; welcome to Turkish cuisine. I believe the eggplant and ground lean veal is a very good combination and that every dish eggplants enters is delicious. One of the best gatherings of eggplants with ground meat is the eggplants sitting dish and also one of the most traditional dishes of the Ottoman and Turkish cuisine.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 500 grams ground lean veal 
  • 4 belt Eggplants 
  • 1 onion 
  • 4 Cloves garlic 
  • 2 tablespoon tomato paste + 
  • 2 tablespoon tomato paste, divided 
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil + 
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil, divided
  • For sauce: 2 tablespoon tomato paste and 2 cup of water
  • For over: 2 tomatoes and 2 peppers
  • Fry:  Vegetable oil 

First, Chop the onion and garlic small cubes. Put the ground meat in a sauce pan and cook until it draws it’s water over low heat, add the onion and garlic and olive oil to the sauce pan and roast for - minutes. Then add the spices and salt and stir. Peel the eggplants in pajamas, chop them in medium thickness in round form, after that leave them in salty water. Wait 5 or 10 minutes take out from salty water and dry. Put the vegetable oil and fry. Then fry the eggplants until color turning light brown, after that put in to the medium size glass deep tray. Now spread the eggplants fry on the glass tray and distribute them equally on the remaining ground meat mortar. 

Second portion; for sauce on top: Stir in a bowl with tomato paste juice in a bowl for sauce and move over the dish. Bake eggplant in the heated 180 degrees oven for about 30 minutes and serve hot. 

Tip-If you wish, you can serve with plain yogurt. Enjoy your meal.