Winter 2015


cropped image of hands using smartphones

I surveyed a total of ten people about their use of technology. I will describe the results of my surveys.

For question one, a total of 4 people said they have paid to use a computer, a total of 6 people said they have not paid to use a computer. For question two, a total of 4 people said they have spent more than $1000 on technology, they have spent it on different kinds of electronics. And a total of 6 people said they have not spent more than $1000 on technology. For question three, a total of 7 people said they have purchased a warranty for a new price of technology, they said if it has everything wrong ( drop, broken, battery, crack, stop working...) they will repair or replace it with a new one, you can purchase a warranty for 1,2,3,5 years. Another total of 3 people said they have not purchased a warranty for a new price of technology, because they think a few years after they have to buy a new one and also there will be a new model. For question four, a total of 4 people said they have bought a camera. And a total of 6 people said they have not bought a camera, because they have a cell phone, it has more often and they have used the same a camera and can save the pictures well. For question five, a total of 7 people said they have their own laptop, just 3 people said they don't have their own laptop. For question six, a total of 8 people said they have a printer and 2 people said they have not a printer.

In the 6 questions for a total of 10 people use technology. I see almost everyone has their own laptop, printer, and purchased a warranty a new price of technology, not many people have bought a camera. I think if you have your own laptop, it's good because you can carry it with you to go anywhere. If you have a printer or not it's doesn't bother you that much. When you purchase a warranty a new price of technology, you have to protect your money because you don't know when you will drop it and it will stop working. Now, on the cell phone, there is a good camera you don't need to buy a camera separately.