Winter 2015


Book open

Once upon a time, A mother placed three equal-sized pans on the flame and poured equal amounts of water on them.

In the first one, added a carrot, in the second one, an egg, and in the third one, a few coffee beans and heated three pans at the same time.

Then she called her children and asked, "What do you get from this experiment?" The children did not have a convincing answer.

The mother explained: In the ups and downs and challenges and hardships of life, people are not the same. Some are like carrots, so they are hard and firm until they have a problem but as soon as they face hardships, they droop and lose themselves.

Some people are like eggs, they are loose in the normal routine of life, but they become hard and inflexible in dealing with problems.

And others, like coffee, not only do not lose themselves in adversity, but also give energy to the environment, make it fragrant, and give color and flavor to life. These are the ones who survive and are life-giving, and they give breeze of life to the other world.