Winter 2015


photo of author's dogs

This story is about how quickly your life and plans could pull you in a different way. On my honeymoon to the Portuguese Azores islands, my husband and I made our way from city to city walking and enjoying the scenery, the fresh Atlantic air, views and the animal-scented farm lands. On one rainy day we went for our walk and heard a faint yelping coming from behind a stone wall. Being the animal lover that I am, I jumped over the stone wall and found a litter of puppies very near death. They were left in the harsh Atlantic rainy winds and cold night. I heard a yelping again then I dug with my hands under some rocks and found one puppy that had found shelter from the rain and got stuck under the rocks. I rescued the one puppy that day and I took care of her while on my honeymoon. I named the dog Baby because she was a one-day old puppy that is special to me, it is funny because I never had a dog in my life; I always had cats and birds. I am happy I found my best friend Baby. It was sad she was stuck under a rock with her brothers and sisters, but I am happy I was able to help her. During my honeymoon, we started the paperwork to have our new dog Baby make her way with us to Canada. She couldn’t come back with us right away because she was just a few days old, so I asked my family to take care of her until I could come back and get her. And so, it was. Months later we went back to visit the island again and bring Baby home. Baby is now in Canada with us, some bumps on the way but everything went well in the end. Within months we noticed Baby started to look sad and lonely waiting for both of us to get back from work, so my husband and I decided to find her a companion, another dog. So we adopted a puppy from Windsor, Ontario. We named him Pico after one of the Azores islands. So they become a couple, a boy and a girl. They became best friends and are still so happy together playing with toys and enjoying each other's company. And so, my married life started with two dogs, Baby and Pico. They love play time, movies, eating popcorn, running and naps. They are healthy and active dogs that love the outdoors. I am so happy with my two dogs. I would do it all over again, every moment I have spent with them brings me joy and comfort to know that they are safe and happy. We love them so much that we cook them fresh chicken and vegetables with their food, and they enjoy it every time. We try to do the best for them. So even today when I remember when I found Baby when she was one day old, and Pico adopted at six weeks old, time has gone by so quickly that they are now seniors, Pico is 10 and Baby is 11. Today my dogs are considered seniors and are very happy and healthy. I have no doubt in my mind that both dogs were meant to be together, they love each other’s company and Pico never leaves her side. It is a funny thing that both dogs are now black and white, and it was not planned that way, it just happened that both dogs grew up with more black and white spots. Baby is a short hair pointer, and Pico is a lab. Today we are one big happy family.