Winter 2015



In my opinion, having a pet such as a dog, a cat, a bird, or a fish can be good for the well-being of people’s life. A pet dog is always considered as good companionship not only for the typical people but also for people with some impairment such as autism and blindness. He can be a good guide for elderly people. A dog can be taught to do many activities to help these people in their everyday life. They always consider a dog a best friend for people. Also, having a dog can improve people’s health because walking a dog can be a healthy habit. On the other hand, you have to walk your dog every day whether it is snowing or raining. A cat pet can be very friendly; it can help people reduce stress and anxiety because he provides much affection, and can be beside you on your bed. Although he can be snoring, he can use his head or tale to caress you.