Winter 2015


afghanistan on map - focus with magnifying glass

Afghanistan is a landlocked country in Asia bordered by Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China has 32 million population which is mostly composed of ethnic Pashtun, Tajiks, Hazaras, and Uzbeks. Kabul is the capital of this country and 33 other provinces are making Afghanistan. Bamiyan is the most famous province of this country due to having the biggest Buddha statue in the world.

Afghanistan used to be a peaceful country before assault of other countries and Thaliban, but unfortunately today Afghanistan is famous of its war and all terrorists attacks which is going on for forty years in this country. Away from all the unpleasant reputations about Afghanistan,this country has very beautiful places and hospitable people to know about. The people who love peace and prosperity but live every moments of their life’s in danger. The people who love respect and love,but never been given love and never been respected. love to live love to improve their country. In this worst situation that they live,they still don’t lose their hope, they still want to progress. They still live and spread love and peace to each other.May Allah almighty bring them back peace.