Winter 2015


cuban street

There are many differences between Canada and Cuba. In Canada the official languages are English and French, but in Cuba it is Spanish. Canada's population is 37 million and Cuba's is 11 million. Canadians seem to be much more independent. Cubans tend to rely on each other a lot more. The social interaction in Canada is limited in comparison to that in Cuba. In Cuba the streets are always bustling with people and activities, but you rarely see this in Canada.

Canada has 4 seasons: spring, autumn, summer and winter. Winter is very long and cold in Canada. There is also a lot of snow, something I am not used to! Cuba is an eternal summer with average temperatures between 30 and 32 degrees. It also has a winter season that lasts 3 months _ December, January and February _ where the temperature is still hot on average but there are frequent cold fronts that can drop the temperature to 15-25 degrees which is considered very cold by Cubans.

In Canada driving is much better and safer than in Cuba since the streets are wider and paved. There is a lot of traffic signage in Canada that indicates all the precautionary measures you should take and there is a lot of respect and road education. Cars are modern and have many automatic applications that help you drive safer. In Cuba, the streets are very deteriorated and cars are very old. There are few traffic signs and many bicycles and animals in the streets. As a result, many accidents happen daily due to the fact that the traffic laws are not as respected.

The quality of life in Canada is much better compared to that in Cuba. The houses are modern and comfortable. You have all the comforts such as heating, air conditioning, and basic household electrical appliances. On the other hand, in Cuba, most houses are very old and in need of repair. The basic household appliances are very expensive and scarce to find and repair. In fact, many households do not have these luxury items because they are just too expensive in comparison to the average monthly salary in Cuba. Resources are also less abundant in Cuba. It is not uncommon to be without electricity, water, or even basic necessities.

As you can see there are many differences between my home country of Cuba and Canada. Each country has its pros and cons but my heart will always be with my home country of Cuba even though Canada is my home now.