Winter 2015


Plane model with world map, passports and tickets as airplane traveling and tickets booking concept

I always like to play it by ear. There are many advantages to planning vacations but it doesn't apply to me. The reason for me to plan vacations is to manage my time effectively, go for a trip with my family, visit my family, or travel as a couple for a honeymoon or a simple romantic weekend. When I decide to make a plan, most of the time I don't get a chance to accomplish it. Something happens and makes changes in my plans.

The first time, when I was young, I planned to go to a summer camp with friends but at the last minute my parents decided that I wouldn't go because they didn't trust the organization. They thought it was dangerous. I was 18 years old. My goal was to accomplish it. I decided to request more information about the summer camp and confirmed the credibility of the organization. I had been planning this trip for 5 months; travel expenses, including accommodation, I had already paid for – myself! But unfortunately, it never happened. I was very sad! I still remember it like it was yesterday.

The second time, my husband and I planned our honeymoon after we got married. I was 27 years old. My dream was to travel somewhere with my lovely man spending time like a dream for every single woman. It never happened either. For family reasons we had to cancel it. After that my husband left the country to come to Canada, and we realized that we didn't have too much time to accomplish it. So, now you know why I don't plan anymore. Instead, I play it by ear.