Winter 2015


May 29, 2020 - Houston, Texas, USA: Police and spectators collide in downtown Houston, TX as rioters

Several demonstrations against police brutality and racial injustice have erupted lately in many cities across the US, and I think American police officers should build more positive relationships and show more solidarity with the protesters. In my opinion, there are two positive ways police officers can show their solidarity with protesters. Firstly, police officers should not respond with brutality during the demonstrations. It is important for police officers to improve their image and restore trust in their communities by showing their ability to do their work without violence. After many episodes of police officers’ crimes, communities tend to lose faith in the police as a law enforcement institution. In addition, citizens can be afraid of the police, which in turn can undermine the police officers’ work. It’s in their own interest to show their solidarity with the demonstrators. Secondly, police officers should protect people’s rights to protest and voice their displeasure. Citizens have fundamental rights to freedom of speech and freedom to protest. These rights are enshrined in the American constitution and must be protected by the police. Protecting these rights include not breaking up the protest by using tear gas, pepper spray or rubber bullets if demonstrators behave peacefully. In a nutshell, I strongly believe that police officers should do some efforts to serve their community effectively and maintaining public safety, show respect for citizens and respect their rights.