Winter 2015


Woman meditating practicing yoga outdoors

Are you stuck at home like me because of COVID-19? Feeling like you are in a cage? Feeling like this is going to be a long day maybe even longer? Please smile and seethe positive outcomes that will and might come out of this quarantine. The Corona crisis is going to change some of the ways we think and that will make some things collapse and others rise. So, let's be positive and change our lives to be better and look what the quarantine can give us.

Your kids love being with you 24/7. Although it may be tiring for you, they will probably remember COVID-19 as a wonderful time with their parents. Maybe this is the time you realize that you want to work less in the future and spend more time with your family and enjoy your children.

You can do all the things you never have time to do: sort your old clothes that you want to give away, clean your home, read those books lying on your shelf for a year, take that online course.

No pollution, it is so good to smell fresh air in the morning! No tourism, no ferries, so few planes, public transportation and cars. Carbon emissions are going down quickly.

What you need the most is to focus on yourself. You can start being creative again: fix your home, start drawing, start doing yoga every morning and meditating. You might even realize that you can live well with so much less and save money.

Maybe you will have time to rethink your career path. Maybe you want to get closer to your family. Maybe you want a more rewarding job even though you might earn less. Good luck! And keep your eyes open for positive impacts of this crisis.