Winter 2015


focus on doctors hands. team and unity concept.close up cropped photo.

My teacher asked me to write an essay about my work. I have so many things to say that I could write a book about my experience but for now I’m going to describe a typical day at my work and explain why I like my job.

I have been working as a nurse for almost 11 years. Being a nurse is not an easy job. It is very physical with a lot of responsibilities. Unlike what people usually think, it's a lot more than taking vital signs and changing bandages. Nurses are involved in many activities in the hospital from the admission to the discharge of the patients.

I work in a cardiology and coronary intensive care department. Most of our patients are diagnosed with serious heart problems. The department is divided in two sections. When the patients are unstable with a significant risk of cardiac arrest, they are placed in the coronary unit care. When they are stabilized, they are placed in cardiology.

My shift starts at 7:30 in the morning but I report at 7 o’clock. First, I take a quick look at my patient’s chart, then read the nursing care plan and take the report from the nurse who preceded me. Then I see my first patient, make my assessment, and give them the required medications etc.

The cardiologist arrives around 8:30 and each nurse has a quick meeting with him to provide information about the patients. He then goes to see the patients. When he completes the evaluation of the patients, he talks to us again to adjust treatment plans if necessary.

Around 9:30 I take a 30-minute breakfast break. I then start writing my observation notes. In the middle of this, I have to do many things such as answering questions, watching the heart monitors; taking blood tests, and informing the doctor of any abnormal results.

When a patient is discharged, we make sure that he/she understands everything before leaving and this is a big responsibility for us to make sure they get home safe and continue to be safe. I take a lunch break around noon and rest of the day goes by very fast.

However, not all days are smooth as above. Many times, unexpected and urgent situations come up that require immediate intervention and which completely drain us out. Some days when we start our shift, we don't know when we are going to finish, that’s why we always have proteins bars in our bags!

Now, why I love my job? I love it because it is a very rewarding job. Being a nurse has changed the way I see the world. I feel very happy and blessed because I'm healthy and feel lucky that I'm able to help others who are not as healthy. So, when a very sick patient gets better and is eventually released, it is very gratifying. It seems all our hard work is paid off. Their smile, and hugs makes us forget our exhaustion. Another reason why I like my job is because I work with a great team. My colleagues are just great.

I still have a lot of reasons why I like my job, like I said, I could write a book about it but perhaps in French, not in English. However, my teacher thinks I will be ready to do that very soon.