Winter 2015


Test tube with blood sample for COVID-19 test

One morning I woke up with a full body ache. That day I was fine until 11:00 a.m. but suddenly I started feeling feverish. I was stressed about COVID, because on that day my town got its first COVID-19 related death. Also, 5 days before I got sick, I went out to get our essential groceries. I had worn medical gloves and used hand sanitizer the whole time; also, I didn't have any contact with anyone. It's so strange I got fever and aches. I isolated myself from my kids and husband right away when the fever started, called our town health unit, so they could make an appointment for a test. Hospital COVID-19 test appointment booked really fast. Thankfully I was able to drive, otherwise I had only two options, such as take a taxi to give someone my virus or my husband and kids would take me to the hospital and get the virus too.

COVID-19 test takes swabs from the nostrils. It was pretty uncomfortable; the way they take the test is to swab from deep inside the nostrils with cotton swab, which is very painful and pretty uncomfortable, I can assure you. The paramedic told me I should stay isolated in my room until I got symptom free for 24 hours.

So I've been sick for two days and finally got no symptoms, but still couldn't leave the room and my family was stuck at home too, in case if they have something.

Finally, four days passed and I had a chance to check my results. Everything turned normal, great! I didn't have COVID-19. What a relief.