Winter 2015


Picnic basket on wooden table

I have enjoyed my first holiday in Canada, last summer. On the holiday my family had decided to go on picnic of our community. On the second Saturday of June 2019. We went for a picnic at Magna Park.

I went to the picnic with my family. In the park there were nearly more than 50 families from our community, from cities like Brampton, Mississauga, Markham and Etobicoke etc.

At park we meet each other and made introduction to an unknown family. In picnic everyone has enjoyed as per their wish, children played various games, While people divided into various groups, and enjoyed the picnic in various ways like some group playing cards, some hearing music some make discussions on various topics. Some went walking in other parts of park.

Ladies had prepared lunch for all. They had prepared Puri Bhajia of various varieties eg, Chillies, potato. and Onion, while Jalebi and vegetables were already brought. Everyone had taken lunch together and enjoyed it very much. Around five o'clock we took tea and then started to go back home.

This is my first holiday in Canada which was enjoyed by me.