Winter 2015


Autobiography typed on an old Typewriter

I am Rawa, a beautiful talented girl with lots of ambition, passion and love. I was born and raised in a great country called Iraq. Mesopotamia is the historical name of my country. The people there love arts, and they are very emotional and generous people.

I studied Architecture in Iraq and had my bachelor degree with a rank of 7th over 74 students. I was over the moon when I heard my result. I graduated in June 2012 and got married after only three months.

After getting married, I moved with my husband to another country. We moved to the UAE, a beautiful sunny country. But it was really hot and humid. Sometimes I had to take bath three times a day so that I could maintain a fresh and smelling good. Anyways, living in the UAE was a huge step for me. As a girl who had been raised living in a traditional family with restrictions and traditions that over protect girls with no chances for her to work or to have some responsibilities to work for, it wasn’t easy to shift to all these new commitments. But I was strong enough to handle everything; a new home, a husband, new friends, and even I got my driving license for the first time of my life. I started looking for a job as a newly architect graduate. Gladly I found one after one year and two months of being married. I felt like yessss you did it Rawa, good job.

But hey, after getting my first payment, I didn’t feel good and guess what, the home test said was pregnant. No waaay!! You must be kidding me.

It was a dream come true. My husband and I both felt blessed and lucky. We were dreaming to have a boy. I always wanted a boy as a first baby. I loved the idea of having a big brother, maybe because I had a big brother who was just like a dad to me when there was no real dad there. We had our Sarah in August 20, 2014, a gorgeous princess. We only saw love when we looked at her.

I couldn’t go back to my job after that. They had enough staff for their projects and they didn’t need more people to join. At the same time, it was almost a new year celebration and I had a special gift from my husband…. my first DSLR camera with a lens and four photography classes from Nikon school itself. I was super excited to get everything done. I went to my classes with lots of joy and eagerness to learn everything. I thought it would remain as a hobby for me, as I’ve always been that girl who take photos in her family. But then after a while, I felt like why shouldn’t I start knocking on doors and present myself as a photographer. From that time to now, I’m doing the same thing except that now have my own business, RawaGraphy.

In August 2017, my family and I moved to Canada. That was another huge step; a new life, new friends, new driving license, again and a new home. After setting everything, there was a new guest knocking on the door. Guess you will know it……… another pregnancy. I had my second girl in November 2018. Her name is Anne. She is a little monster with no fears and a big heart that feels just fine after being punished or yelled at. She’s so precious. We love both our daughters to the moon and back 100 times.

With all my responsibilities now, the number one is tiding and doing the laundry, I’m now working as much as I can to get myself together emotionally, physically and on my business. I’m trying to promote my work, get some jobs done, learning new things and washing my hair when I have some time left. I would love to travel to do photography workshops and to visit new interesting places and photograph them in future.