Winter 2015


Canada and Spain flags together relations textile cloth, fabric texture

My name is Daniel. I was born in Madrid, Spain. I was raised in a little town named Coslada with my parents and my older sister, Cristina. This little city is located 15 minutes away from Madrid. It’s the main location for the country’s supply chain because is located close to the airport in the capital.

When I was a kid, I enjoyed playing sports like Go Karting, soccer and even martial arts. Growing up, my dream job was to be a firefighter. I went through really tough training. I had to run a long distance on the track and work out a lot with weights. Unfortunately, I got injured with sciatica and could not continue with my dream. Probably, I did not stretch very well and that is why I got it.

As a result, I had to I change my goal, so I focused my education on International Transport and International Trade. I chose this because of the influence of the airport on my city and the flow of trucks in my city. This drew my attention.

I have an 8 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. My kids’ mom is from Canada. We had complete lives in Spain with good jobs, a house and friends. However, we had the opportunity to come to Canada and I thought it was a good chance for my kids to learn three languages. Canada is the friendliest and most unified country that I’ve ever seen. Also, there is a solid economy and social diversity. My kids were born in Spain, however they now feel at home in Canada.