Winter 2015


A smiling, young Indian boy sits at a desk with his head resting on his folded arms in front of him.

I love to watch movies as I am a movie addict. There is a movie which is my all-time favourite and its name is Tare Zamin Par. Tare Zamin Par is a movie about an 8-year boy whose name was Ihsan and who had a special interest towards painting. Ihsan was like any another child who wants to play and not be worried what he wants to be in the future. In this movie, the child suffers from a disease called DYSLEXIA, so he was unable in excel in academic activities and even in sports. When his parents saw he was weak in studies, they started to worry about his future. The boy faced lots of anger and punishment from teacher and parents.

On the other hand, his elder brother wanted to become like his father. He was really keen about his study. He worked hard to achieve his goals. His father worked as a professor in a multi-national company. Ihsan’s father wished his son could be just like his older brother. In this movie, the child was expelled from his school due to his poor performance in studies. His parents became disappointed because of constant complaining from the teacher for his poor performance and also their neighbours complained about his activities. So, his parents decided to send him to boarding-school.

Ihsan faced lots of problems when he was in boarding school. Most of the time the teachers raised complaints about his performance and Ihsan lost his interest in life. He began to miss his family and felt bad for all the things that had happened. A turn around happened when the art teacher temporally replaced by a substitute teacher named Nikumb.

Nikumb was the first person to notice that Ihsan was suffering from a birth disease which make him confused between two similar letters like b/d and mixed them up. This was the reason of his poor performance. The new teacher called Ihsan’s parents and talked with them regarding Ihsan’s is fighting with his mental health because of Dyslexia disease. He explained the reason why Ihsan refused to study.

Nikumb went Ihsan’s house to explain to his parents about Ihsan. This is the way finally he helped Ihsan to get rid out this situation. He finally was able to handle this situation with the help of his teacher. Ihsan had an interest in painting rather than academic learning. He became the first prize winner in a painting competition. He became happy and fun-loving again.

This simple, heart touching story makes Tare Zamin Par my favourite movie.