Winter 2015


cropped image of fishing rod in front of water

Our lives have several aspects and during a lifetime, each person should fill in all of them. In my opinion, those aspects should include family, work, fun, and hobbies to fill in the free time. For example, fishing is my hobby. It helps me to relax and clear my head. I would like to share with you some of my experiences with fishing.

My fishing experience started in my childhood when I was about 9 years old. My uncle had a Cottage, and my family would help him with different chores around the house. It was during one of my summer vacations at my uncle’s Cottage that I had my first fishing experience. As a child, I had a lot of fun in the summer not just on the beach but in the Cottage too. I was born in a town on the river and my family liked to go to the beach to swim and have fun. I saw other children catch a fish on the beach and this made me curious about fishing. But, due to lack of personal fishing equipment, I could not fish myself. After talking to my uncle about fishing, he took me to the river and showed me how to fish. I did not have my own fishing equipment, so I used the equipment that my uncle could give me. At this time, I did not catch a big fish, but I found something that I liked and started to learn fishing tricks.

After my first experience, I asked my father if he had fishing equipment or maybe we can buy some equipment for me. My father did a good thing; instead of buying equipment (which children could easily outgrow) he made fishing rod for me and my uncle taught me to make a few different sets of equipment that I can change and use on my fishing rod. This act showed me that we don’t have to buy each small piece, some of them we can make by ourselves. I grew up and started to make and buy equipment and, more importantly, started to accumulate new knowledge of fishing.

Today I live with my family in Canada. We have various rules in different countries or regions, and we should follow them. In Ontario we have strict rules and regulations related to fishing too. For example, each person over 18 and under 65 years old should have a valid fishing license, and it does not matter if you are a citizen or not. When I came to Canada, I came with my fishing equipment and of course started to think about how I can fish here. I was thinking about fishing first as a fun hobby for me, but I did not forget that fishing also could be a source of food for my family. I read about the rules, then bought a license, and was able to go fishing.

Today, my son is 10-year-old. He knows that I like to fish. My son has his own rod. He helps me to prepare equipment, and we have fun on fishing trips together. It’s a good way to spend some quality time with him.

As a summary of my story, I would like to propose to you to have your personal hobby and share it with your children. It can help your child to open his mind to new things and maybe he will follow you; your hobby will be his hobby too. In this case, you will have a fun time with your child and teach him something new.

Have a hobby and enjoy your free time.