Winter 2015


Blond boy gets haircut at home during quarantine isolation.

In the current situation, I don't think it's safe to go out to have a haircut. Especially, with my two children whose hair grows quickly. We have to take them for a haircut every month. Learning how to cut my children’s hair and my husband’s hair is very important. So last week, I searched the internet to learn how to cut their hair at home.

I asked my son what style haircut he liked. It was very interesting that he asked me to do a number '1' haircut on his head.

At first, I let him sit in front of a big mirror. In order to make him sit there patiently as long as possible, I let him see a video, even though I knew that watching TV was not a good idea for children while I was practicing how to cut his hair for the first time in my life.

After watching some videos on YouTube I felt confident enough to cut my son’s hair first. Next, I damped his hair by using a spray bottle of water, not too wet, just to get rid of the tangles.

At last, I started with small tentative cuts by a clipper. Because I was a beginner at cutting hair, I didn't want to cut too much length at one time. I tried to cut little each time and only a small cut.

Although it was not the best hair cut, my son spoke highly of it and he loved it. I was so proud of it. From this experience, I thought we could learn more things during these challenging times, staying home all the time. Now, I felt bold enough to cut my husband’s hair.