Winter 2015


hands holding earth

In recent years climate change has been a hot topic all over the world. In Canada, fighting climate change is one of the most important tasks of the government in the future.

People often say that you are not a politician if you don’t know about climate change. According to the research conducted by some scientists, the temperature of our Earth is increasing and people’s living environment will get worse if we can’t take action to stop this trend. Also some cities will disappear because of rising sea levels. Some scientists appeal to the leaders of all the countries to fight climate change. I just saw one news from the BBC that the Greenland ice melt is accelerating.

It is difficult for the countries of the world to reach an agreement. The situation is very different from country to country. No country is willing to give up it’s own development in order to deal with global climate change. Putin, the president of Russia, made a comment about a young Swiss girl who became famous for her speech about climate change. “ Africans want to live like the Swiss”.

This year, Chinese government has implemented ten year ban on fishing in the Chang Jiang river. More than 280,000 fishers will lose their job at the same time. The Chinese government closed heavily polluting factories last year. A lot of people have lost their job.

To conclude – to fight climate change, all countries need to take action in reducing all kinds of pollution. In my opinion it is extremely difficult because the government of each country should balance the benefit and the loss.