Winter 2015


Flower blooming in snow

Spring is my favorite season of the year. It always was. Maybe, the reason is that I was born in May, maybe it is just destiny. I still remember my feelings like it was yesterday, when I was young and was walking down the streets of Moscow. When the first warm sun appeared and you just going somewhere you can feel this fresh air and smell… The smell of spring. When snow melts and the first grass is waking up, when the first flowers awake from their sleep, when the first leaves appeared on trees, when birds begin to sing again with joy. I adore this time. I can feel spring with my whole soul, with my whole body. It is like you regain your life again after the long winter and you have so many interesting discoveries to look forward to.

My son is just 2.5 years old, but this year I think I could share at least little bit of my love to spring with him. He is already waiting for it impatiently and when he is lying in his bed before he goes to sleep, he always listens to one audio story and it ends with the words “And they have the whole wonderful spring and summer ahead”. He always smiles at me in this moment and says “wonderful spring and summer, I could not wait to see it”.

Hopefully, this spring will bring us something special and amazing to remember for the rest of our lives.