Winter 2015


aerial shot of Toronto

Canada is a vast country. It is very diverse in its people, its natural landscapes, its climate, and the way of life. However, Canadians share a set of important values. These values greatly affect their daily lives orientation. These values are faith in equality, diversity and respect for all members of the society. Women, men, children and the elderly are all treated in Canada with equal respect. The Canadians may differ from one another, but it is these common values that make Canada a friendly, peace-loving, safe society for all who live here. For all these values, Canada was one of my dreams and this one became true when I met my husband.

After two years of relationship, my husband and I decided to get engaged and live together under the same roof in the country of my dreams, Canada. The immigration process was too long for us. It took just three months, but they were the longest months of my life. I was so excited to get a one-way ticket, fly from my small world and start a new life in one of the most multicultural cities, Toronto.

I can remember my first day in the city. I was like someone who was living under the ground and now she goes out and is surprised by the high buildings and the creative architecture. The downtown at night time was so impressive for me, the lights everywhere, so many people walking in the street, the restaurants had open doors so we could see people enjoying their dinner inside. I had a chance to attend one of live musical shows on Dundas Square. I will never forget my first time on the public transit, especially when I took the bus. People were very organized, and I noticed that there is a big respect between passengers and drivers.

CN Tower and ROM were some of the famous Toronto’s attractions I wanted to see. From the first one, I could see the city from the sky, and the view was spectacular. The second one helped me to get an idea about Canadian and international cultures.

Years ago, I was dreaming about Canada, and now I am enjoying my life with my small family in this great country.