Winter 2015


The Akhtamar Island in Lake Van with the 10th century en:Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Aghtamar.

I miss spring in my homeland. Spring is indescribably beautiful in the Lake of Sevan, in the Axtamar Island. About Axtamar, it has a legend. An Armenian princess named Tamar, was in love with a simply guy. This young man liked to swim from the mainland to the island each night to meet her. One day, her father knew about this and was very upset. The father went to her as she held the light, waiting for her love. He broke her light, leaving the young man in the middle of the lake without any idea of the direction to swim. They said he was dying calling “Ax Tamar”. That’s why the island was called Axtamar. Lake Sevan has a statue of this legend.