Winter 2015


Syria flag with Freedom text

After reading about the Harriet Tubman story, it reminds me of when people escaped from Syria to go to a free land much like the slaves escaped the United States to go to a free place. Through the war years in Syria, almost all of the people there had bad human conditions, so they tried to escape to Europe to feel safe . They tried to go there by the shortest way and illegally, so they went through Turkey. Some of them walked across the forest between Turkey and Bulgaria for many days facing many dangerous situations on the trip such as wild animals, thieves, difficult roads and bad weather. Other people chose to escape in the storage of trucks to cross the border from Turkey to Bulgaria. It was so dangerous. Most fleeing from the war tried to cross the Aegean Sea by rubber boat. Unfortunately, many of the people died on the trip and some of them were children who drowned at sea, but some crossed to Europe. Through this experience for a lot of people, we have touching stories that tell us how much they faced risks when they left their country to find their freedom. Always there are some people who are trying to escape from a bad situation in their homeland to a free land like the slaves in the last century in North America and the Syrian people in the last few years.