Winter 2015


Many people together around the world. 3D Rendering

Because I have immigrated two times, I would like to write about the immigration. 

It’s a great way to make a new country for you and your family, but this place is by your choice and your decision; so, it will be comfortable and safe. You will have many advantages that did not exist in your home country, which prompted you to choose the immigration decision. For example, a good salary in many job opportunities, an excellent education for all family members, new life and different friendships with people from multiple countries, so you will learn more about the traditions of many different cultures. 

The immigration seems like the people born again in a beautiful society which is their choice. 

In addition, immigration makes you a responsible person because you are building yourself again in a strange country with people you do not know.  

Finally, in my opinion, if the person likes to try a new experience, I advise him to immigrate and see other parts of the world.