Winter 2015


Happy father and daughter playing video games while mother sitting on couch

Do you think parents spend enough time with their kids nowadays? I do not think most parents spend enough time with their kids because of their jobs and school. When there is no school or work, parents are busy doing the things they can not do during the week like grocery shopping and going to pay the bills.

When kids have free time they go out with friends or do their own things. Kids these days are busy on their electronics and not doing kids activities and going out to play.

Parents sometimes get too busy and do not have time for their kids. That might be a bad thing and they might lose their connection with their kids. They all need to get together and spend time with each other sometimes, so they have that connection still, and are close.

This week I practiced my English at the doctor’s office when I brought my mom and talking with the kid’s teacher at school. I did the same thing I do every week drop the kids at school, come home, clean, cook, go and pick up the kids, come home and eat, wash the dishes, and just relax for the rest of the night.