Winter 2015


canadian roads

I would like to start by saying that in Canada it is important to drive and have a car, mainly because the distances are so far. Even when you guess the place is near and you try to go walking, it could be good cardio for your body. Also, if you have to go back home with some groceries or bags, it can be a challenge.

On the other hand, the weather is something to think about because in Canada, it can be too cold or too hot, maybe snowing, raining or windy. In my country it is summer the whole year because we are in the tropic area, the only thing we have to worry about is rain. Another important point is, the same ride that can take you around 15 minutes by car, it can cost you around 45 minutes or 1 hour by bus, not losing any bus, because arriving at any place in most of the cases you will need at least 2 buses. So, I think it is definitely recommendable to have a car in order to get a better quality of life.

I can see 3 main differences about driving in Canada, the first one is back home we have so many motorcycles, and they drive between the cars, crossing between them without precaution. You as driver, never can turn right or left without seeing your mirrors, and turn your light on, before changing your line. Also, we have to wait for one of the bikes to pass you by. I know this is the rule everywhere but, in my country don’t do that can be a recurrent problem, because you always have someone on your blind side.

The second difference is, the city where I lived is a valley. So, we have many mountains and the surface is up and down, unlike in the GTA where the surface is flat. We believe there, the best way to learn driving is with a manual car, instead of an automatic one. We feel like we really take control of our machine.

Also I have to say, unfortunately my country is unsafe. We have many burglars, and we have to be careful when we are stopped at the traffic light, because these bad guys drive motorcycles with a companion, riding between the cars, looking for victims, especially women, to steal their belongings or their cars. So, it’s scary when we stop at the traffic light, and two persons by motorcycle stop beside you, and turn to see you.

Some of these differences can be scary or funny, however in wherever we drive we have to do it safely, because it is our life and ours loved ones, who are in our hands at that moment, and don’t forget to watch out for the other vehicles on the way. Be safe.