Winter 2015


Camp site with tents

Our family started going camping when we came to Canada in 2008. Some friends that had already lived here invited us that first Summer of 2008. It was our first time and we really enjoyed it. Since then we go camping every summer. We try to go to a new campsite every year and we go to private and public parks. Some summers we go two or three times. Sometimes we go just by ourselves and other times with other families. When we go with other families, we split up tasks and share the cooking duties so that we all can enjoy our time.

What we enjoy the most is the time we spend together with friends and family, setting up the tents and the firepit, having conversations, telling stories and jokes, cooking, and eating. We do different activities, depending on what the parks have to offer. We go swimming, fishing, hiking and participate in the park’s scheduled activities. When we go on Canada Day long weekend, the park has great fireworks and the kids really enjoy that.

Camping is an activity that our family will continue to do, maybe not as often anymore as the kids are growing and it’s harder to keep them interested.